

Co-Chair: Marc Mallet

Dr. Marc Mallet is an atmospheric scientist with the Australian Antarctic Program Partnership at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania. His research career has focused on atmospheric composition, aerosol-cloud interactions, and air quality across Australia, the Mediterranean, southern Africa, the Antarctic, and the Pacific, Arctic, Atlantic and Southern Oceans. Currently he is focused on collecting and using in situ and remote sensing observations, machine learning, and Earth System models to better understand links between marine biology, aerosols, clouds, precipitation, and radiation over the Southern Ocean and Antarctica.

Co-Chair: Ruhi Humpries

Dr. Ruhi Humphries is a senior research scientist in the CSIRO’s Atmospheric Composition and Chemistry group, based in Melbourne, Australia and is also an affiliate researcher of the Australian Antarctic Program Partnership. After completing his PhD at the University of Wollongong, Australia, he continued his research at CSIRO centred around atmospheric aerosols, their formation processes and their interactions with clouds and climate, with a particular focus on the pristine remote marine environment of the Southern Ocean. He has led the atmospheric component of several research voyages in the oceans around Australia and Antarctica, is a lead scientist of the aerosol program at the WMO-GAW station at Kennaook / Cape Grim, and is the lead scientist of the world’s first mobile GAW station aboard the Research Vessel Investigator.

Vice Co-Chair: Christina McCluskey

Dr. Christina McCluskey is an Atmospheric Project Scientist in the Climate and Global Dynamics (CGD) lab at the US National Science Foundation National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Christina’s research focuses on using both observations and modeling to investigate aerosol-cloud-interactions in remote polar regions including the Southern Ocean and Arctic. 

Vice Co-Chair: Patric Seifert

Dr. Patric Seifert is a meteorologist who focuses his research activities on the investigation of the relevance of aerosol particles for the evolution of clouds and precipitation. He joined the ground-based remote sensing group of the Remote Sensing Department of TROPOS, Leipzig, Germany, in 2006 for his Master’s degree about aerosol effects on tropical cirrus formation. Since then worked on the ground-based and space-borne remote sensing of aerosols and clouds with different active sensors, mainly lidar and cloud radar and supportive passive sensors. Patric is the lead of the Aerosol-Cloud-Interactions team of the Remote Sensing Department of TROPOS.

Communications: Jessie Creamean

Dr. Jessie Creamean is an atmospheric research scientist at Colorado State University. Her research is focused on the systematic examination of aerosols originating from  sources such as vegetation, soils, and marine environments and how those particles facilitate the formation of ice in clouds, specifically the polar regions. Over the last 10 years, she has undertaken numerous field campaigns to the Arctic and recently has started working in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica to develop a comprehensive dataset aimed at advancing our understanding of aerosol-cloud interactions in the high latitudes. When she is not traveling to the ends of the earth, she enjoys adventures in the Rocky Mountains with her two golden retrievers, Whiskey and Montana.

Secretary: Atsushi Yoshida

Dr. Atsushi Yoshida is an atmospheric scientist at the National Institute of Polar Research in Japan. His research centers on measuring aerosol particles to explore their abundance, sources, and ice nucleating properties. As a member of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE), he investigates how aerosols originating from both oceanic and terrestrial sources influence the formation of ice cloud over the Southern Ocean.