
The voyage will focus on complementing terrestrial measurements of ice sheet mass balance, with particular focus on the Denman Glacier. The voyage will be conducting sediment coring on the continental shelf/slope as well as obtaining detailed oceanographic measurements using a range of platforms like ROVs. The voyage will attempt to get as close as possible to the Shackleton Ice Shelf to make these measurements, sea ice conditions permitting. From an atmospheric point of view, the key science goals are obtaining measurements of DMS, and hopefully other VOCs, in the ocean and atmosphere. We lack sufficient aerosol data within the Polar Cell to full characterise the biogenic emissions – aerosols – clouds/precipitation pathways. Our data collection will be driven by modelling considerations including the need to better quantify and simulate aerosol sources, composition, the sulphur cycle etc. Joining the Denman voyage allows us to collect several weeks of data within the Polar Cell, shortly after the peak in summertime biological activity. We anticipate close collaborations with biogeochemistry and oceanographic colleagues. Atmospheric data to be collected on this voyage will complement those collected on the earlier MIZ voyage, because the Denman data will be nearly entirely within the Polar Cell and in late summer, in contrast to the spring-time MIZ data mostly near the Polar Cell – Ferrell Cell boundary, before biological production peaks.)

Platform: RSV Nuyina

Location: North of Denman Glacier, ~99.5oE

Timing: January – February 2024

Contact: Simon Alexander (Simon.Alexander<@>